SennsLab: Emotional-Cognitive Calibration

Understanding the calibration for emotional and cognitive analysis in SennsLab Experiments

The emotional and cognitive analysis functions within SennsLab and SennsMetrics must be calibrated for each participant.  The type of calibration varies depending on the test template
This is a description of the calibration that will be carried out in the software.

Passive Image Template

The participant will view 12 default images that are generated by SennsLab directly.  These images were selected from the IAPS database and based on previous research studies conducted by Bitbrain


  1. Fixation Cross - This will appear before each image.  Instruct the participant to stare at it.
  2. Calibration Image - The participant should view the image naturally, with minimal movements.
  3. Rest - The word "rest" will appear on the screen and the participant can relax and wait for the next fixation cross.

Calibration Image Example
Example built-in calibration image


Passive Audiovisual Template

The participant will view 5 videos that are generated by SennsLab directly.  These videos were selected based on previous research studies conducted by Bitbrain


  1. Fixation Cross - This will appear before each image.  Instruct the participant to stare at it.
  2. Calibration Video - The participant should view the video naturally, with minimal movements.
  3. Rest - The word "rest" will appear on the screen and the participant can relax and wait for the next fixation cross.


Other Standard Templates
(Active Image Template, Active Audiovisual Template, Free Task Template)

In these templates, there are no built-in images or videos for calibration.  Instead, the participant is introduced to a cognitive task before the main test blocks are displayed. 
There are two parts of this:

  1. Cognitive Task Familiarization (20 seconds):  The participant learns to perform the calibration task
  2. Cognitive Task Calibration (1 minute):  The participant performs the calibration task

This is a cognitive task that induces mild controlled stress in the participant.  The participant will have to count backwards by 7, out loud, starting with a number generated automatically by SennsLab. 

How to proceed with this stage of the study:
When the task starts, the participant will see a number.  Instruct the participant to start subtracting 7 from this number and press ENTER to start the countdown.  The countdown timer will appear on the participant's screen, while the list of correct numbers appears on the test evaluator's screen. 

It is important that you do not provide feedback during this process.  If the participant makes a mistake, let them continue. 

Once the task is complete, the word "Rest" will appear, and the participant can relax