SennsLab: Guide to the Free Task Template

The Free Task Template in SennsLab

The free task template is used to evaluate open tasks with fixed or variable time limits and user interaction.  This template allows for more flexibility in study design

The free task template is a Standard template.

To set up a free task experiment:

  1. Create and define tasks:
    Under the "Tasks" tab, define tasks by clicking on the Add button.

    Familiarization tasks - You can optionally define up to 3 tasks with the purpose of familiarizing the participant with the context of the study.  The collected data is not analyzed and there are no default familiarization tasks. 

    Assessment Tasks - Define 1-15 tasks for full analysis.  These are the defined tasks for your experiment.

  2. Set task duration: fixed or variable
    Fixed time requires a duration value for the task (between 15 seconds and 1 hour).  Variable means the task will be completed during the experiment. 

  3. Set randomization preferences
    If "randomize" is selected, the tasks will be presented in random order.  If not, tasks will be presented in the order they are listed on the left.  To change this order, use the button Up down Button

Important Considerations:

Some important considerations when using the free task template:

  • If the duration of the tasks is fixed, the minimum time per task is 15 seconds, and the maximum is 1 hour.
  • Since the calibration for free tasks is non-specific, this template may show more variability in the results compared to the more predictable fixed templates.  Free task template should only be used when flexibility is required

Other Resources:

For an explanation of the general test sequence and execution, see Understanding Experiment Structure in SennsLab

For more information about the built-in calibration in this experiment template, see SennsLab Emotional-Cognitive Calibration