Versatile Bio Sensor Guide: Temperature

Understanding the temperature sensor on the Versatile Bio


What it measures:

The temperature sensor (TEMP) measures temperature changes at the site of the probe as voltage changes. 

Research Applications:

Physiology, sports, kinesiology, biomechanics, etc.

How to use:

The probe should be placed where temperature should be measured.  It can be attached to the body with appropriate medical tape or adhesive. After that the connection between the sensor and the amplifier has to be set.

 As with any temperature sensor, direct sunlight can alter the recorded temperature drastically.  

How to clean:

To clean and disinfect the sensor, do the following:

  • Disconnect the sensor from the Versatile Bio.
  • Use Clinell Universal Wipes.
  • Let it dry before using.
  • Autoclave is not recommended.
  • Do not immerse the device in any liquid.  

Connector on Versatile Bio:

Analog AUX

Visualization filters:

A data visualization filter is not necessary for the temperature sensor.  For live data viewing, you will have to reduce the data scale for the analog channel until the signal is visible. 

Data file:

Sensor Range:  -50 degrees C to 105 degrees C in air, -55 degrees C to 70 degrees C in fluid
Dissipation Factor (in air):  3 mW / degree C
Thermal time constant (in air): 75 seconds

Data is reported as analog voltage in µV, listed as (analog V) in the formula below.  To convert to temperature in C, use the following:

Temperature Sensor Formula

In MS excel, the conversion formula would look like this (analog V values in µV as recorded by the temperature probe in column A, enter formula between [ ]  marks into B, C and D):

A1 = Recorded (analog V) value
B1 = [=56000/((3.3/A1)-1)]
C1 = [=1/(0.003354+(LN(B1/10000)/3435))]
D1 = [=C1-273.15]

C1 = Temperature in degrees K
D1 = Temperature in degrees C