Versatile Bio Sensor Guide: Respiratory Effort Band
Understanding the respiratory effort band sensor on the Versatile Bio
What it measures:
The respiratory stress band detects a participant breathing via an elastic band worn around the chest.
Research Applications:
Sports, rehabilitation, kinesiology, psychology, biomechanics, neuromarketing, etc.
How to use:
The sensor band is placed around the participant's chest and under the arms and tightened enough to be snug.
We recommend taping the cables to the participant's body in order to avoid movement artifacts.
How to clean:
To clean and disinfect the sensor, do the following:
- Disconnect the sensor from the Versatile Bio.
- Use Clinell Universal Wipes.
- Let it dry before using.
- Autoclave is not recommended.
- Do not immerse the device in any liquid.
The Velcro can be washed with household detergent, then air dried.
Connector on Versatile Bio:
Visualization filters:
Right-click on wave view in Bitbrain Device Viewer to view data-visualization filter settings.
Under "Notch-Filter" we recommend setting this to the preset matching your country's AC frequency (presets exist for USA/Japan at 60 Hz, and Europe at 50 Hz).
Under "Other Filter" click "enabled"
Set filter type to "Bandpass"
Set High (Hz) to 5 Hz
Set Low (Hz) to 0.1 Hz
Type is "Butterworth"
Order set to 4
Data file:
Sensitivity: 2-30 µV/mm
Output Bandwidth: 0.5 Hz to 12 Hz
Maximum signal amplitude 400 mV
Output data is reported in microvolts and is relative to the expansion and contraction of the band during inhalation and exhalation.
Absolute voltage amplitude and signal strength can vary based on sensor placement and size of the participant.