Definition of Analysis Metrics in SennsMetrics

Bitbrain's cloud-based analysis platform will generate different metrics based on the template and hardware used.


Hardware RequiredRing

Tests Supported:  Active Image Template, Passive AV Template, Active AV Template, Free Task Template, AV Recording Template, Focus Group Template, Survey Template.

Definition:  Basal level of physiological activation produced by a stimulus or situation.  Emotional activation may be due to a positive or negative emotional response.  Activation is expressed in percentages based on a baseline defined during the calibration stimuli.  Values less than 0 are associated with a state of relaxation or calm.  Values higher than 0 are associations with a state of excitement.  A value of -100% refers to the maximum relaxation response observed during calibration.  A value of 100% refers to the maximum response seen in response to the calibration media.  A value of more than 100% is possible if the calculated reaction exceeds that measured during the calibration


Hardware RequiredRing

Tests Supported:  Passive Image Template*, Active Image Template, Passive AV Template, Active AV Template, Free Task Template, AV Recording Template, Focus Group Template, Survey Template.

Definition:  Emotional impact measures the number and intensity of point changes in the emotional state produced by a stimulus, external event, or in the performance of a task.  In other words, Impact identifies something that is striking or produces excitement or stressImpact is expressed as a percentage.  A value of 0% means no impact100% equals the value measured in response to the calibration media.  A value of more than 100% is possible if the calculated reaction exceeds that measured during the calibration

*Impact is calculated as a binary response in the Passive Image Template.  This information is meant to be useful in the aggregate (averaged over multiple participants). 


Hardware RequiredDiadem EEG

Tests Supported:  Passive Image Template*, Active Image Template, Passive AV Template, Active AV Template, Free Task Template, AV Recording Template, Focus Group Template, Survey Template.

Definition:  Measures the degree of attraction experienced in response to stimuli or a situation, from a positive / pleasant reaction to a negative / unpleasant reaction.  Valence is expressed as a percentage.  A value of 100% positive or negative equals the value measured in response to the calibration media.  A valence level exceeding 100% (positive or negative) is possible if the calculated reaction exceeds that measured during the calibration

*Valence is calculated somewhat differently in the Passive Image Template and requires some self-reporting for accurate calculation. 


Hardware RequiredDiadem EEG

Tests Supported:  Passive Image Template, Active Image Template, Passive AV Template, Active AV Template, Free Task Template, AV Recording Template, Focus Group Template, Survey Template.

Definition:  This indicator measures the intensity of cognitive processes related to the formation of future memories during the presentation of stimuli or during an experience. Captures the degree of storage, encoding, and retention in memory.  Memorization is expressed as a percentage.  A value of 0% indicates that the chance that the stimulus will be remembered is low.  A value close to 100% indicates a high possibility that the stimulus will be retained in the participant`s memory.


Hardware Required Diadem EEG

Tests Supported:  Passive Image Template, Active Image Template, Passive AV Template, Active AV Template, Free Task Template, AV Recording Template, Focus Group Template, Survey Template.

Definition: Workload measures the neurological focus, or concentration of a participant when presented with stimuli or during experiences.  In other words, it represents the use of cognitive resources to carry out a task or visualize a stimulus. Workload is expressed in percentages.  Values ​​close to 0% indicate that the participant is very distracted, while a value close to 100% indicates that they are very attentive to the stimulus.


Hardware RequiredDiadem EEG

Tests Supported:  Passive Image Template, Active Image Template, Passive AV Template, Active AV Template, Free Task Template, AV Recording Template, Focus Group Template, Survey Template.

Definition:  This is a measurement of the degree of involvement or connection between the participant and the stimulus or task.  This is a more complex indicator than attention, as a participant can be attentive to a task even if the information presented is not of interest. Engagement is expressed as a percentage.  A value close to 0% indicates no connection or link to the stimuli.  A value close to 100% indicates high engagement with the stimuli or task


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