Quickstart Guide: Ring

How to get started with the Ring biosignal system

The Ring is a wearable physiological monitoring device consisting of 3 sensors:  GSR (electrodermal activity), BPV (heartbeat detection) and IMU (movement detection). 

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Step 1: Placement

  1. Disconnect Charging Cable
    Image Png Dec 18 2020 03 35 01 57 Pm
    The device should not be used while charging. 

  2. Unfasten the band
    Image Png Dec 18 2020 03 35 47 29 Pm
    Gently pull the band away from the Ring and place the device sensor-side up.

  3. Place fingertip
    Image Png Dec 18 2020 03 46 50 46 Pm
    Place the tip of the index finger on the BVP sensor (B in the illustration above) so that it is completely covering it.

  4. Place fingers
    Image Png Dec 18 2020 03 48 40 69 Pm
    Place the index and middle fingers on the GSR sensors (A in the illustration above), slightly separated so that they aren't touching each other.  The fingers should be in touch with the metal GSR sensors.

  5. Attach band
    Image Png Dec 18 2020 03 51 31 63 Pm
    Fasten the band across the fingers and attach to the plastic holders on the other side.  This should be tight enough to prevent movement of the device on the fingers, but not so tight as to be uncomfortable for the participant. 

Step 2: Data Acquisition

  1. Power up the Ring
    Image Png Dec 18 2020 04 20 29 06 Pm
    Hold the power button Image Png Dec 01 2020 03 50 54 13 Pm until the LED blinks.  This will turn steady when a connection is established with the MS Windows setup computer.  If the device is already paired with the computer, skip to step 3.
    Note:  Do not run the Ring while charging.  If the red "low battery" indicator is lit, recharge the amplifier before running a study.
  2. Paring with MS Windows:
    Image Png Dec 01 2020 04 18 25 01 Pm
    The Ring must be paired with the Bluetooth receiver on the Windows computer or tablet that will run the acquisition software.  This requires Bluetooth version 2.1 or higher. 

    When doing this for the first time, press the Windows Key and type "Settings".  Choose "Devices" from the list and select "Add Bluetooth or other device".  The name of the Ring in the list of available devices will correspond to the serial number listed on the product label.

    Note that the device will not appear in the list if it is already paired with the computer or if it is already paired to another device in the vicinity.  If the amplifier is listed as "paired" but does not connect, click on it, choose "remove device" and repeat the pairing procedure. 

    In the latest version of Windows 11 it has been observed that in order to establish a connection to the device, the device settings, Bluetooth device discovery must be changed from default to advanced as shown in the image.

    Bluetooth Device Settings

  3. Connect to the Setup or Acquisition Software
    Image Png Dec 01 2020 04 28 12 01 Pm
    The Ring can be set up with the Bitbrain Device Viewer software or with SennsLab.  Click on "connect" to establish a connection.  Choose "Bluetooth" and select the Ring device from the drop-down menu.  The device name will correspond to the serial number listed on the product label. 

    If the Ring does not connect, or if it does not appear
  4. Check Signal Quality
    Image Png Dec 18 2020 04 36 51 02 Pm
    The GSR and BVP sensors are color coded according to the signal quality / skin contact.  Verify that all sensors are green before continuing. 

    See this link for help with improving signal quality from the Ring system.

  5. Save Data
    Image Png Dec 01 2020 05 44 40 04 Pm
    Data can be recorded to an on-board memory card, and/or streamed and recorded to the computer or tablet. 

    To record data to the microSD card, check "SD card record".  Be sure to use an appropriate memory card

    To record data to the computer hard drive, click "Hard drive record".  Remember that hard drive recording can be interrupted if the participant leaves Bluetooth transmission range. 

    In the Bitbrain Device Viewer software, select "Enable LSL Server" to use LSL-compatible features in the software developer kit.

    To stop recording, click "Stop"

  6. Cleaning and storage:

    Follow cleaning and storage procedures for the Ring System.