Versatile Bio Sensor Guide: External TTL

Using the external TTL on the Versatile Bio system

The accessory TTL Trigger EXT allows the synchronization between an amplifier of a Bitbrain device with Dig input and a equipment external to Bitbrain. 

How to use:



Figure 1: A) Receiver. B) Transmitter. C) Fiber optic cable 

The connection is made as follows (for this example a Versatile BIO is used:) 


  1. Plug in the receiver’s jack in the Din input of the Versatile BIO amplifier.   

  1. Turn on the receiver with the switch. If the light is white then it is charged, if the light is red you need to charge it. It is not possible to use the receiver while it is charging.  

  1. Connect the receiver to the power (USB port of the computer or USB outputs with the same power supply). 



  1. Connect the fiber optic cable to the transmitter.  

  1. The flat side of the casing must rest on the table, as shown in Figure 3-A) to connect Vin and GND of the external digital signal you want to use. 



Connector on Versatile Bio:

Digital Input