SennsLab: Guide to the Implicit Association Test Online (IAT Online) Template

The IAT Online Template in SennsLab

The IAT online template has exactly the same setup and options as the local IAT template.  See that link for help creating an IAT online experiment. 

All online implicit response templates are published to a URL for participants to access remotely.  The study must be created in SennsLab, exported, and emailed to [email protected].  Within 24 hours, Bitbrain will publish the website and email back a URL.  This can be sent to your participants, who can then complete the study on their own.  Results are automatically uploaded to the cloud. 

Once completely set up, studies can be exported via the Export button in the 'Manage Studies' section in SennsLab. 

The IAT Online is an Implicit Response Online template.